7 effective tips to preserve car tyres for a long time

5 min read

Tyres are extremely important for your vehicle because they ensure high-grade performance, and safety. Stability of your car on roads depends on the efficiency of your car tyres. Therefore, their health should be a prime concern for every car owner.

Changing car Tyres Manchester just because of their poor health is not a good decision. You can preserve your tyres for a long time because of proper maintenance steps. Surely, your car tyres come with a certain lifespan but you can surely increase the number of months or even years if you maintain your tyres efficiently.

Tyrs come with proper strength but gradually, they lose their strength to perform well on roads. In this condition, you have to replace your old tyres with a new set of tyres.

In this blog, we will tell you about 7 common tips that are essential to preserve car tyres for several years:

Have a look!

1. Inspect your tyres regularly:

If you want to preserve your tyres for a long time, you have to visually inspect them at regular intervals. Tyres may develop several faults during their lifespan. You will not be able to detect these faults if you do not check them regularly.

You have to keep an eye on the level of tread depth because this is a crucial factor. If you observe the signs of tread wear, you have to change your tyres after a specific stage when your tyres reach the minimum limit of tread depth.

Similarly, check your tyres regularly to detect the faults like bulges, cracks and cuts. These faults generally occur on tyre sidewall and affect the overall performance of the tyre. Repairing these issues is not possible. Therefore, you have to change your tyres after observing these issues.

2. Handle flat tyres wisely:

Your tyres may face two common issues at any time. These issues are punctures and blowouts. Punctures take place in tyres because of sharp objects. Sharp objects make a small hole in the tyre to reduce the air pressure in the tyre. Blowouts tear the body of tyres violently. Therefore, they are fiercer than punctures.

Both these issues leave you with a flat tyre. Whenever you face the issue of a puncture or blowout, you have to stop your car instantly. Driving a vehicle on a flat tyre is not a good approach because of the risk of serious damage. Park your vehicle calmly in a safe place and then try to find a solution.

Punctures are usually repairable but it is not possible to repair a tyre blowout. In this case, you must replace your tyre with a new tyre. Sometimes slow punctures take place in car tyres. You can detect these slow punctures with the help of a mechanic to fix the problem.

3. Check air pressure regularly:

If you observe, your tyres cannot perform their functions without proper air pressure. Checking air pressure weekly will make your tyres last longer. Moreover, you will drive more safely because of the correct air pressure in the tyres.

Incorrect air pressure increases the risk of accidents, especially in wet conditions. Moreover, improper air pressure is not a good condition because of handling issues. Furthermore, wrong air pressure in tyres is a prime reason for uneven tread wear.

You can avoid these issues easily if you check air pressure in your tyres regularly. Maintain correct air pressure in tyres according to the specifications of your user manual.

4. Check wheel alignment and balancing:

When you drive your car on bumpy roads, you do not realize that these bumps and potholes may disturb the adjustment of your suspension components. Improper adjustment of suspension components may lead to wheel alignment issues.

Therefore, you have to check your tyres for wheel alignment after every 5000 km. If you do not follow this rule, you might observe signs of improper tread wear in the future. Moreover, signs like vibrations and poor handling may also motivate you to check your wheels for alignment issues.

Wheel balancing allows car tyres to run on roads with equal distribution of weight. Balancing issues take place in tyres because of daily driving conditions. Therefore, you have to check your tyres for balancing as well when you visit your garage for wheel alignment.

5. Respect the speed limit:

Tyres are available in the market with different speed limits. You can find your speed limit with the help of your user manual. Check this document and follow the specifications. Do not go beyond the limit if you drive your vehicle in even normal driving conditions. Slowing down your vehicle will keep your tyres safe for a long time.

If you drive your car speedily without proper consideration of the user guide, road conditions and weather, your tyres will reach the time of retirement soon.

6. Do not overload your vehicle:

Overloading a vehicle is not a good idea because of poor health of your tyres. Your tyres use air pressure to run on roads. Overloading the vehicle will create more pressure in the tyres to promote serious structural damage. Moreover, extra pressure on tyres will increase the level of friction. As a result, your tyres will face wear and tear rapidly to reach the time of retirement.

You can save your tyres from these issues if you load your vehicle according to the guidelines of the user manual.

7. Rotate your tyres regularly:


Change the positions of your Continental Tyres Manchester at regular intervals to equalize the rate of tread wear. Generally, the rate of wear is not the same in front and rear tyres. You have to change the sides and positions of your tyres in the tyre rotation practice. Please note that changing sides of directional tyres is not a good idea. These tyres are suitable for a single side.

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