May Horoscope 2023 | Wit & Delight

12 min read


Following the theme of April, May packs a punch! As we enter the month, we are in Taurus season and under two powerful planetary forces, eclipse season and Mercury retrograde. This combination makes the first half of the month an incredibly introspective time—and one to embrace accelerated change! Expect major revelations on May 5, when the full moon lunar eclipse rises in the skies of Scorpio. 

The other big news this month is that Jupiter—the planet of protection and abundance—switches signs on May 16, an occurrence that only happens once a year. This is good news for all, since Jupiter enters Taurus, a luxurious and artsy zodiac sign that is known for its ability to generate wealth through steady efforts. For those who are ready to make use of this energy, set some financial goals around May 19 under the fortunate new moon in Taurus. 

Luckily, Mercury will be direct by now, as it ends its retrograde on May 14. Today, look back to your texts, emails, and journals to make sense of a story that developed over the last three weeks. Chances are, you will find clues that will guide you as you move forward. 

On May 21, the brilliant Sun begins to illuminate the skies of Gemini—and suddenly, we’re back to reality. Eclipse season is fully over and life becomes more predictable. While there will still be bumps on the road like there always are, we will feel a sense of true optimism building up inside of us. 

Find out what these major shifts mean for your zodiac sign in your May horoscope below! Be sure to read your Sun sign as well as your rising sign.

Want even more? Find all of our monthly horoscope content saved here.

Aries May 2023 Horoscope

If you’re in a committed partnership, a sensitive situation could come to a head around the May 5 full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Luckily, Venus will be helping you stay sweet and speak from the heart. On May 16, Jupiter enters your money sector, bringing you affluence for the next year! If you’ve been wanting to purchase a big item for your home, however, be patient and act as close to the end of the month as possible. 

If you’ve been feeling out of sorts lately, you will notice a shift on May 20 once Mars enters Leo. Suddenly, you will feel incredibly energized. However, keep an eye on your ambition around this time to avoid power struggles and confrontations. On the flip side, this energy will be ideal for dating once Gemini season arrives on May 21.  

Taurus May 2023 Horoscope

May has an intense start for you as the May 5 full moon lunar eclipse brings an important situation within a relationship to a climax. Luckily, things will most likely end in your favor, as Venus will be helping you out.

Once Mercury goes direct in your sign on May 14, it’s go time! May 16 is a super lucky day, which is when Jupiter enters your sign. For the next year, you will expand in unimaginable ways, and attracting abundance in all its forms will be easy. Under the new moon on May 19, set up a little altar in your home where you can journal, meditate, and manifest. Since the last few days of the month are incredibly powerful for you, you must set time aside to express your desires to the universe!

Gemini May 2023 Horoscope

Romantic destiny could be at play for you, Gemini! The asteroid of commitment, Juno, entered your sign on May 1, magnifying your desire to settle down. This is an energy to watch and one that will remain present for you until June 21. Then starting May 16, a very spiritual undertone will take over you as magnanimous Jupiter enters your sector of dreams. Since this is the area of life that will grow for you the most in the year ahead, it might be time to begin a dream journal or set up a meditation room where you can find calm in moments of stress. 

On May 21, your birthday season arrives! Today is a lucky day for you, so make a list of goals you would like to achieve—in 2023, the universe is requesting you get serious about attaining them. 

Cancer May 2023 Horoscope

Even during the chaos of eclipse season, you’re bound to get lucky, dear Cancer! If single and looking, the May 5 full moon lunar eclipse could bring a meeting of the souls, putting you face-to-face with a fascinating person. Then on May 7, lover Venus enters your sign, uniting forces with passionate Mars to instigate connection or “destined love.” Until May 20, accept as many dates as possible, as unexpected surprises could be at play now!  

On May 16, you begin a one-year period in which networking and meeting new people will be your way of attracting luck and happiness. However, because Gemini season—a time of nesting and resting for you—begins on May 21, you might not feel this vibe until mid to late June once your birthday season arrives. 

Leo May 2023 Horoscope

While the beginning of the month is intense, you will love what the rest of May has in store! A situation between you and a family member or roommate could become intense under the May 5 full moon lunar eclipse. If you’re seeking a little space to be alone and think, consider booking a weekend getaway on May 6 and May 7. On May 2, strategy asteroid Pallas entered your sign, where it will stay until July 9! What would you like to achieve in the next year, Leo? 

Harness Pallas to put your world domination plan together—because on May 16, Jupiter enters your career and public visibility sector, throwing you in the spotlight! Make a power move in the days after May 19, under the lucky new moon. To top off your month, Mars enters your sign on May 20, magnifying your desire to succeed even more! 

Virgo May 2023 Horoscope

The May 5 full moon lunar eclipse could bring some drama to your neighborhood, Virgo, when misunderstandings could be rampant. If you feel called to, host a small get-together this weekend to bring people closer in the spirit of fun, as you’re most likely going to feel chatty and social. 

May 16 is a sweet day for you, which is when Jupiter begins expanding your sector of travel, spirituality, and study. Over the next year, you will attract luck when focusing on these parts of your life. Then on May 20, you will begin feeling the need to rest and sleep longer each night as Mars enters Leo. Perhaps this would be the perfect time to purchase a daybed, new sheets, or anything that allows you to better unplug from the outside world for the next few weeks. 

Libra May 2023 Horoscope

If you’ve been waiting for a loan or check in the mail, it could arrive at the beginning of the month, Libra. However, wait a few days before spending it on retail therapy, as a confusing vibe will be permeating the sky.

May 16 is a big day for you, which is when Jupiter enters your intimacy sector. Throughout the next year, you will become closer with an existing partner and will also create more solid, deeper relationships with other people in your life. May 20 is a meaningful day as Mars enters your friendship and community sector, where it will stay for the next few weeks. This would be the perfect time to either throw a party or join any community-driven groups that are of interest to you. Networking to boost your visibility in the realm of your career is also a lucky activity from now until July 9! 


Scorpio May 2023 Horoscope

Hang in there, Scorpio! You may have started the month feeling pretty tired as Pluto went retrograde on May 1. Additionally, the May 5 full moon lunar eclipse brings intensity to an important relationship. While you tend to be pretty set in your ways, this might be a time to compromise—yes, even if doing so feels like a hit to your sense of identity. By the time May 16 arrives, it will become clear why! This is when Jupiter begins gracing your relationship sector, a blessing you will be basking in for the next year! 

On May 20, driven Mars enters your career sector and your work life will begin soaring. However, make sure that in your excitement, you don’t step on other people’s toes, as it could backfire in the future. 

Sagittarius May 2023 Horoscope

You tend to be a social sign, but you might want to hide during the dramatic May 5 full moon lunar eclipse. You will most likely feel tired, so make sure to honor your body. May 16 brings a major shift for you, which is when Jupiter (your planetary ruler) enters Taurus! From now until May 2024, you will completely change your focus. You will adopt a slow and steady approach to life and will be deeply focused on a work project, which in the end could be very profitable. Take the first step under the lucky May 19 new moon. 

Then on May 21, Gemini season begins, bringing four weeks in which you will prefer to interact with people one-on-one rather than in group settings. If you’ve been dating someone for a while, your relationship could reach a new “status” during this time. 

Capricorn May 2023 Horoscope

The dramatic May 5 full moon lunar eclipse might bring drama to your friend circle, Capricorn. Even if it seems like you must take sides, try to avoid it as much as possible. If you’re single and looking, these days could put you face-to-face with an interesting personality. In fact, your romance sector is what will receive huge blessings from now until May 2024, as Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16. If you’re not interested in romance, try harnessing this sweet energy by focusing more of your time on fun, creativity, and play. 

And if you’re already taken, don’t worry! Venus enters your partnership sector on May 7 and will bring sweet moments of connection with your darling. This is especially true if you’ve been feeling a little disconnected since the end of March.

Aquarius May 2023 Horoscope

Take note of any intense thoughts you had on May 1 and any that arise at the powerful May 5 full moon lunar eclipse. Some doubts about previously taken steps could have crept in as Pluto went retrograde in your sign on May 1. If you made a radical change around mid-March, it might not mean you did it wrong; it might just mean some rethinking or readjusting needs to happen. During the first half of the month, focus on figuring those things out while Mercury is still retrograde. 

As Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, you will begin a one-year period in which your private life will receive blessings. Remodeling, purchasing, or expanding your property and even your family could be your priority now and one you might pursue to create a solid foundation for yourself. What does your perfect home look like? Is your current home providing what you need in these times of epic transformation? Begin by answering these two crucial questions, Aquarius! 

Pisces May 2023 Horoscope

Financial conversations could come to the forefront around the May 5 full moon lunar eclipse. If these are occurring between you and a serious partner, don’t hide from outlining boundaries, as this is crucial for you to do this year. These conversations could very well be about your home’s expenses thanks to the influence of the asteroid of commitment, Juno, which is asking you to take any home improvements or remodeling work seriously now. Juno will keep you focused on these things until June 21. 

If you are one of many Pisces who are creatives or work in media, you are going to love the journey that Jupiter is going to take in your third house of communication. From May 16 onward, you could begin working on a project that could put your name in high places. Even if you don’t see yourself as the “creative type,” focusing more on expressing yourself will be your new vehicle for attracting good luck in the upcoming twelve months!      


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