Choosing the right technology stack and architecture for building single-page applications (SPA) is significant. Most often, developers consider JavaScript (frameworks+libraries included) for SPA development, which is entirely built-in. These JavaScript codes are written in ReactNative.
Initially working on a Single Page App using React might seem challenging to you, but once you grab the understanding and knowledge; that development leads to building a super efficient and powerful application. Moreover, building SPA with React will result in a great user experience.
There are countless individuals seeking how to build Single Page Application Using React. This blog will describe how the app development will be processed with React. So let’s move this discussion forward.
What is a Single Page Application?
Before we consider Single Page App Development, it is important to know what SPA is. Single Page App is a web application shown on a single static page, where the contents will update or alter from the middle page without reloading the full page. It gathers data from the same main server and updates the site on the same page.
Do you know that the React single page app is prominent in offering seamless user experience and quicker responses due to ‘No Pages Reloads’? These applications are better performing and more interactive. Even, it can handle more complexity in a minimal period.
A few examples for better understanding: Gmail and Google Maps, Linkedin, Facebook, GitHub, and Twitter.
Is a Single Page App Good for Your Business?
Just like other web applications, React Single Page Application has objectives like quicker responsiveness and smoother user experience. Businesses can gain many leverages; such as:
● Cross-Platform Accessibility: Single Page Applications are made with perfect codes and various layout adaptability, which states that they can run on different OSs Windows, MacOS, and Linux with their dedicated own browsers.
● Smoother User Experience: Single Page App using React does not reload the full page. It updates the middle page content quickly and shuffles information constantly when required. Due to its instant responsiveness, it becomes a satisfying solution for users to enhance their experience.
● Deployment and Updates are Simpler: SPAs are simpler and highly responsive, which allows for quick deployment and updates. It enables better-improvised outcomes though.
● Debugging is Easier and Quicker: When you are debugging in single page applications; it is much easier, simpler, and quicker though. There is just a single page to alter, and even the contents are also updated on the same page. Therefore, it is not challenging to debug in SPA.
Things to Know for Single Page Applications Using React
Do you want to process a single-page app using React development? If so, then here are some tools and things you must keep in mind along with a dedicated reactjs development company:
● React: SPA is built with the core JavaScript programming language (frameworks+libraries). Here we are considering React; otherwise, this can be built with Angular.js, Knockout.js, Ember.js, Meteor.js, and other JavaScript frameworks. Selecting one language is completely based on the dedicated project’s requirements.
● Back-end: The server-side language selection is based on the project requirements. In case you are unable to find a suited language, then engineers will choose one according to their expertise. Most often, Node.js is the one common language to select, because this belongs to JavaScript, where you can also access it with other JS back-end and front-end tools.
● AJAX: AJAX is an asynchronous JS and XML tool that helps in launching the single-page app. This tool enables updating the content when requested. The reloaded data is between the website and server; which changes data with no notifications.
● Database: This is an optional choice, and you can select any database with which you are familiar. The more familiar you will be with the database, the better you can process with development.
When the website is built with JS, then you must have a dedicated web application development company to process with their expertise and knowledge. Know the basic and most important members you need in the team:
● Front-end and Back-end developers, who can write quality codes
● Designers to create super-seamless navigation and attractive UI/UX designs
● QAs, who will test for the bugs and technical glitches to fix if required
● Project Manager to take this entire development process smoothly
What is the Contribution of React in Single Page Application?
The URL is used by SPAs to obtain an indexed HTML file from the server. React Native uses Node.js, a JavaScript runtime, to write JavaScript code. When a browser receives this response, React is active. It blocks it by prohibiting such a request from reaching the server. As it requests and loads the contact component, single-page applications become faster and more reliable. When the user requests it, the React app displays the “components.”
How to Build a Single Page App using React?
Here we will tell you how to build the SPA using React in the following steps; such as:
Step 1: Check Background Settings
● Install all the packages and libraries that are available in the development environment.
● First, you need to create an HTML Page to run the app development with React.
● Install the React components to process the development further. The React components are; Gatsby, Next.js, Nx, Parcel, Razzle, React Router, and Neutrino.
● You need to use either Webpack or another bundler to fire the React components to build the web application.
Step 2: Create the Single Page Application
● To create the React application in the selected location; use “npx create-react-app app-name.”
● In addition, it also creates a directory, called “app-name”, which also includes various default files.
Step 3: Install React-Router-Dom
Now use the appropriate commands to install the React-Router-Dom to route all the requests. You can install the React-Router-Dom with npm.
Step 4: Need a Router to Cover The React Components
● HashRouter – create URLs like
● BrowserRouter – create URLs like
Step 5: Insert the code in the src/index.js file
import React from ‘react’
import { render } from ‘react-dom’
import { BrowserRouter } from ‘react-router-dom’
import App from ‘./App’
<App />
Step 6: Write code into the file named “src/pages/HomePage.js”
import React from “react”;
export default function HomePage() {
return (
<h1>Hey from HomePage</h1>
<p>This is your awesome HomePage subtitle</p>
Step 7: Need to create a file of “src/pages/UserPage.js” with the use of code mentioned below
import React from “react”;
import { useParams } from “react-router-dom”;
export default function UserPage() {
let { id } = useParams();
return (
<h1>Hello there user {id}</h1>
<p>This is your awesome User Profile page</p>
Step 8:
Select and integrate the routers you want to use by using Switch and Route. Switch aggregates all routes and prioritizes them from top to bottom. The route, on the other hand, defines individual routes. Additionally, the routes must be included in your App.js file.
import React from ‘react’
import { Route, Switch } from ‘react-router-dom’
// We will create these two pages in a moment
import HomePage from ‘./pages/HomePage’
import UserPage from ‘./pages/UserPage’
export default function App() {
return (
<Route exact path=”/” component={HomePage} />
<Route path=”/:id” component={UserPage} />
Step 9: Use the Link for Page Navigation in Single Page Application
Insert the code mentioned below in “src/pages/HomePage.js” file
import React from ‘react’
import { Link } from ‘react-router-dom’
export default function HomePage() {
return (
<div className=”container”>
<h1>Home </h1>
<Link to=”/your desired link”>Your desired link.</Link>
Step 10: Now Run the Codes and Continue with the Development Server on Localhost
Furthermore, any simple app requires a “primary parent component.”
● Following that, each app page becomes its component that feeds into the “main component”; “React Router” assists in selecting which “components” to show and which to hide.]
● The steps are as follows: displaying the initial frame -> creating content pages -> using react-router -> fixing the routing -> adding some CSS -> highlighting the active link.
Single Page App Using React is a proficient way to provide a smooth user experience and easy-to-make changes. Therefore, building an SPA is the right choice. We have explained to you how to build a Single Page Application using React. You can use this information mentioned above and construct your own SPA. It is advisable to consult with experts to clarify any doubts you have. Do not wait, because if you have the plan, let’s execute it sooner.